tecnología, educación y subjetividad

Últimos problemas del proyecto OLPC

Diversas fuentes hablan de problemas en el proyecto OLPC:

The inquirer El proyecto OLPC no marcha como debiera: “Ni mejora la vida de los niños, ni reporta beneficios a Negroponte. El programa “Un portátil para cada niño” se ha quedado en poco más que humo mediático…”

Techspot: Teclado de la portátil OLPC crea controversia

Marketwire Lagos Analysis Corp. (LANCOR) Files Lawsuit Against Nicholas Negroponte and OLPC Association for Patent Infringement. Negroponte’s OLPC Accused of Unauthorized Use of LANCOR’s Multilingual Keyboard Technology Invention in XO Laptops.

Emjambre.org: Negroponte nos dice: “One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is an education project, not a laptop project. Children are a mission, not a market. After 30+ years of research at the MIT Media Lab, based on Seymour Papert’s theories of constructionism, we have had three years to pilot in primary schools around the world, in Cambodia, India, Nigeria, Brazil, Peru and other places. The XO laptop is now in mass production. Our goal is to reach the poorest and most remote children, in countries where as many as 50% do not even go to school. The long term purpose is to eliminate poverty.”

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