tecnología, educación y subjetividad

El adiós de Bill Gates. Cuando un “amigo” se va

En un mail a la compañía, Bill Gates anunció su retiro de la empresa Microsoft que fundo ya hace más de 30 años, el 4 de abril de 1975.Bill esta cansado y quiere dedicarse a la familia y a las obras de beneficencia. Es redundante hablar de su fortuna y de sus errores y aciertos. El cambio será progresivo y se reserva el lugar de presidente honorífico. Algunos párrafos muestran el tono del mail:
“…Right now and for the next two years, my full-time job is here at Microsoft, and my part-time job remains the Foundation. Beginning in July 2008, I will switch that, to be full-time at the Foundation, while remaining involved with Microsoft as Chairman and an advisor on key development projects on a part-time basis.

To prepare for this change, we have a well-thought-out transition process. Again, I will continue at Microsoft full-time for the next two years, but over the course of those two years, my day-to-day responsibilities will shift to a team of incredible technical leaders who are already doing amazing things at the company.

….On a personal note, I know that my work on global health and education issues at the Foundation would never have been possible without the enormous success of Microsoft, so I want to thank you and all of the employees past and present who have contributed so much to this company.

For these last 31 years, I’ve had the best job in the world. I’ve worked with some of the brightest and most passionate people in the world. Together, we’ve built a great company whose products have empowered people around the world.

We’re only at the beginning of what software can do, and I’m excited about the impact that Microsoft can have. I’m going to take an extended vacation this summer with my family, but I’ll be back in late August and I look forward to working with all of you for the next two years and beyond, to make those dreams a reality.


Solo con el tiempo y alejado de las pasiones que este tipo de figura genera se podrá apreciar el aporte que la empresa realizo.

Hasta la (Windows) vista Bill

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Sin comentarios to “El adiós de Bill Gates. Cuando un “amigo” se va”

  1. karpicius dice:

    Que pena más grande !

  2. KDE.3.5 dice:

    Lo mas probable es que si Bill se las pira, microsoft prospere y haga un software de calidad para todos y no sòlo para las elites con las cuales se codea y que pueden permitirse tirar su ordenador a la basura pasados unos meses.

    De todas formas adios Bill, y ojala que tu repugnante capitalismo se vaya contigo

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